Thursday, November 20, 2014

SYRIA. Emir of AES met with IS leaders in Raqqa

Publication time: 12 November 2014, 23:10 

The other day, Emir of the Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar/Army of Emigrants and Supporters (AES) Salahuddin al-Chechen met with the leaders of the ad-Dawla al-Islamiyya/Islamic State (IS) in the Syrian city of Raqqa with conciliatory mission, reports the AES official website Akhbar Sham.

His visit was initiated by appeal of the scholar of Jihad and leaders of Islamic groups to stop bloodshed between Mujahideen in face of aggression of international infidelity against Muslims.

However, the talks with the leadership of the IS were short. In response to AES Emir Salahuddin al-Chechen’s offer to stop fighting against Mujahideen of Islamic groups like Jabhat an-Nusra/Victory Front (VF) Ahrar ash-Sham/Free Men of Levant (FML) and others, the leadership of the IS stated that it would not stop the war, because "leaders of all of these groups are apostates and infidels".

After these words, the AES Emir Salahuddin al-Chechen ceased the talks and left Raqqa. 

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