Saturday, November 22, 2014

                                            بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

English Translation of the Statement of Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb

and "Asmaa" for what sin was she killed ..?!
Jumada al-Thani 1435 A.H
April 2014

All thanks be to Allah who said: (And whoever is killed (intentionally with hostility and oppression and not by mistake), We have given his heir the authority. But let him not exceed limits in the matter of taking life. Verily, he is helped) and prayers and peace be upon the messenger of Allah, and his family and companions, and who follows them, and what is after …

Another crime to be added to the record of the Algerian army which is full and laden with crimes against the innocent, its events happened in a village of the state of Gigle, where a unit of the brave special forces!! Has attacked the homes of some of the families of the Mujahedeen, to work the instrument of killing and oppression, they attacked them while they were safely and assuredly asleep…

To kill ruthlessly and in cold blood a young child in the age of roses having committed no sin, but that her father chose to be a Mujahid for the cause of Allah…

The army’s brave forces!! Haven’t been shy to announce this crime, but the defense (For the thrones of the tyrants and oppressors) forces have releases a statement taking responsibility for the crime and showed pride in it…and as usual they marketed their crimes under the lying title of “Army forces kill a militant female terrorist” … yes that’s what they said … a female armed terrorist!!

This female armed terrorist!!, is but the child “Asmaa” who is not past her twelve years, the daughter of Mujahid Abi Moslem Saad, for her mother then to suffer the pain of losing the child, so may Allah have mercy on mercy on you, child “Asmaa” and may your family have patience and condolences, and gather you all in His place of Mercy in the house of paradise…

This horrible crime, reminds us of the series of crimes of the leaders of that army against the innocent, and especially against the families and people of the Mujahedeen, those horrid crimes that the death squads committed in May 2006, against the families of the mujahedeen in the state of Gigle, where they killed more than 26 children the youngest of them is in his first month, with their mothers such that the result of the massacre came to (37 innocent souls who died of suffocation by poisonous gases) and that’s the first crime to pass without any denial by the press, other that some statements which came shyly from some people, … or is it that the sons and families of the mujahedeen are not to be wept.

And we say and assure the leaders of that army and anyone who is involved with them in killing innocent Muslims … that your crimes won’t pass without punishment, whether sooner or later, and that the nation with its mujahedeen sons will revenge against you today or tomorrow and the morrow is near for who awaits it, and it’s what you see not what you hear that matters..

(And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not.)

The last of our supplication is that all thanks be to Allah

And may Allah send prayers and peace upon Mohammad and his family and pure companions

And pride may be to Allah, His messengers and the believers

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