Monday, November 17, 2014

The truth Movement is Controlled By the illuminati...

You must Understand the enemy is based on secrecy an deceit in the strongest sense of the word. They base their moves through forward thinking, thinking ahead from every angle or decision years in front of you so deceptively. they've studied every language forwards and backwards, everything they do is backwards to the conscious mind could ever conceive. They speak through symbolic lyrics, words, images, sounds, anagrams, but very subliminal, not just among themselves but through your subconscious, programming your every thought not just the sheeple even those in this truth matrix. Your every thought or step was thought of to counter your every move before you do. The greatest secret at the higher levels of freemasonry, is how to control everyone else and to counter the loss of control when everybody wakes up. they want to stop you in your tracks. If you're not careful the revolution will be in the hands of the enemy.
We are Still Living Among Sheeple Thinking Their Truthers.Yet The truth Movement Has Become The Matrix Now controlled By Agents Living And breathing off the Truth they Sell to You Whilst Funding Your Enemy. Don't trust anyone. Think for yourself. Your not awake if your mind belongs to the one who woke you up or a movement you follow. Question everything and everyone from every angle.If you study the lie, they can make new ones up.If you study the truth, you know when the lie comes.-liam staley...

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